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Thursday, February 17, 2011

NO TITLE. (except this one!)

As you might or might not have known, I went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter on February 4 instead. And one of my little "friends" you might say, has took an interest (not much of one YET) in Harry Potter. FINISH THAT BOOK, BORROW THE NEXT! I READ THEM LIKE PIGS ROLL IN MUD! So, READ, READ, READ!Then we can watch the movies! Oh yeah! That reminds me... I have to go to Border's very soon! Well, so, yeah! AVADA KEDAVARA! These Muggles underline EVERYTHING! Well. Well. Well.


  1. HAHAHA. I'll...yeah. No. Can't say which. Oh well!

  2. Laura Insider is my favorite blog!!! I can't wait to read it every day!!
