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Sunday, September 26, 2010

sAtUrDaY fRiEnD fUn! :)

Hey peoples! Okay so I went to my friend's house yesterday to spend the night and my mom let me take her camera with me and so we took a few videos! And you will be able to watch them very soon!:) Also, please comment on the videos and tell me which one's your favorite! So, if you don't like ANY of them, oh well!:)


  1. Well, my favorite video was The Pipe Mouse at the Tree Nursery! I was gonna go back there but then my dad came to pick me up. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Look at the little pipe thingy!" "So yeah" "There's a mouse in it!" "What?" ---Screaming and running away---:) "Oh I got a prickle in my foot..." haha! I love the tree nursery!
