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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Pure Boredom...

I am very bored. I am super bored. I am EXTRAORDINARILY bored! Wowzers. A while ago I made this video. 50% boredom, 50% impatientness.
I know you loved.
What's your favorite part?
Comment below!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hogwarts- Where I truly belong!

I really do truly belong at Hogwarts! Right now, I'm stuck at Muggle school with no one to understand me. ~Sigh~ OH WELL! My friends and I will very HOPEFULLY do "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" ( see Potter Puppet Pals) for the end of the year talent show. Oh, and, remember that photo contest? I have the results! And the winner is... NO ONE!!! All looked pretty same amounted good.
Severus Snape shall grant you a preview of my latest book- IF you have stuck with Harry the whole time!
Very well, then. I'll just have to watch Half Blood Prince right now- NOW SEEN 7 3 TIMES!!! 3rd today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Dull Overview of a Single Dreadful Day

            IF you are one of those people who despise everyone and everyone despises you, say I. I. I also despise bananas. There are many uses for bananas besides eating them. Composting is a good idea. Also, BANANA PHONE! Banana Phone, Banana Phone, Ring! Ring! Ring! Banana Phone...

              The other day, I was sitting at the lunch table all by myself, on the table to my right were kids howling with laughter and on the left` side was Sandra Wilson (I just made up that name) breaking down a box of Nerds that she just devoured. I stared and stared, then started this poem to show how I felt that day (and my entire life):
My life is like that box. My feeling full, but with just a single poke or pry, the good feelings leave without notice of company. I can be broken down, torn apart, and no one will ever know that I had many other usefulnesses. Containing small items, a finger puppet, or even a telescope. Now I am nothing. Nothing is something. Something is nothing. And in a way, I am both.
I felt envy.
I laughed.
I almost choked.
I cried.
My tooth hurt.
I left and wondered about.
Then I heard a loud shout.
I turned around and found a pebble.
I left and tripped.
My toe hurt.
I cried.